Brett's story – brain cancer

Brett was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumour in 2015. He sadly passed away in February 2019, shortly after his wife, Nicola, gave birth. He was able to meet his new-born daughter, Ariya thanks to Nicola dashing to his bedside. Nicola herself had just given birth at 5am in a hospital over 20 miles away.

With their two young daughters, Ella and Freya, Brett and Nicola were a happy family that enjoyed spending a lot time together. But Nicola started to notice something wasn’t right.

"I remember at Christmas 2014, he was just so tired and had to have a nap on Christmas Day, which I thought was a bit strange for him. He collapsed one evening and then it happened again."

Brett’s GP sent him for an MRI and it was there that they discovered his brain tumour. After having a biopsy and further investigation, Brett’s neurologist said he would need an operation to remove the tumour in his brain.

But the tumour continued to grow after the operation, needing more surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Brett was initially given only a year to live, but had many years of clear scans.

Brett and his daughter at the beach facing out to the sea.

"The children were the biggest reason to keep going. He was such a good dad and the girls idolised him - Freya used to call Brett her superhero handsome prince."

Just before Christmas 2018, while Nicola was expecting their third child, the couple received the news that Brett's tumour had regrown. Unfortunately, the cancer was more aggressive and could not be operated on.

On the evening of 10 February, Nicola went into labour at Luton and Dunstable Hospital, while at the same time, Brett had a really bad headache and was taken into Milton Keynes hospital.

"As soon as Ariya arrived in the morning, I knew we had to go. We got there at 6.30am. We had a couple of hours and I played him some videos of the girls."

Brett passed away at 8.25am.

"We hoped for the best, but he did not let the cancer dictate his life. It’s a different life but we will make it okay and the girls will carry him with them wherever they go."

Nicola, Freya, Ella and Ariya are now working through Brett’s bucket list, which has included taking a trip to Australia.

A selfie of Brett and Nicola at a concert with a large crowd behind them.

Brett has left such a strong legacy — he never made a fuss. He always had a determination to get back to normal, hold head up and carry on. We are keeping hold of that as a family.

- Nicola

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