Terms and conditions

1. General

The Stand Up To Cancer campaign in the United Kingdom is run by Cancer Research UK (“CRUK”, “us” or “We”). 

CRUK is a registered charity with charity numbers 1089464 (England & Wales) and SC041666 (Scotland) and 247 (Jersey). Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 4325234. Registered address: Cancer Research UK, 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ. 

Donations in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign in the United Kingdom go to CRUK. 

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. You should therefore check the terms and conditions regularly. 

"Stand Up To Cancer and Stand Up To Cancer Brand Marks" are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Entertainment Industry Foundation and used under licence by CRUK. 

2. Website terms of use

Your use of the website is subject to the Cancer Research UK terms and conditions and privacy policy, which are available:

Terms and Conditions HERE Privacy Policy HERE

3. Website supply terms

Net profits from the sale of items in our Stand Up To Cancer UK shop will be administered by Cancer Research UK in support of the UK Stand Up To Cancer campaign and awarded as grants to fund collaborative cancer research that will benefit patients in the UK. 

Subject to this, THESE TERMS are the basis on which we will supply items from our shop to you, so please read them carefully. We may amend these from time to time, and the changes will take effect from the time we publish the revised terms. However, the amended terms will not apply to any orders that we have already accepted before this date. 

4. Donations

I. General

Our donation services include online donations (which allow you to donate a one-off amount or give monthly via direct debit), a telephone donation service and also cover giving via your mobile phone bill (sometimes known as ‘text to donate’ or ‘SMS donations’). 

Specific terms apply to some of these donation services and are set out in this section (below). 

If you have any queries regarding any of our donation services or wish to unsubscribe from any further communications from Cancer Research UK, please call 0300 123 1022 (Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm). Alternatively, email supporter.services@cancer.org.uk 

Our Privacy Policy sets out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us.

II. One-off SMS donations (giving via your mobile phone bill)


1. You can make a donation to the Stand Up To Cancer campaign by texting any of the following keywords to 70404. 

To make a £5 donation, text: 

  • FIVE 

  • SPRINT5 

To make a £10 donation, text: 

  • TEN 

  • SPRINT10 

To make a £20 donation, text: 


To make a £30 donation, text: 


To make a £40 donation, text: 

  • FORTY 

2. 100% of your donation goes to Cancer Research UK in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. For each text message sent, you will either be charged £3, £4, £5, £10, £20, £30 or £40 plus your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates) via the reply confirmation text message; the charge will show on your bill and the sender will show as a five-digit number or the charity name. Please note where you have donated £20, £30 or £40 you may receive more than one message depending on your network operator. This is normal and a consequence of your network operator’s billing processes. This will show on your bill as either multiple charges of £10 or one charge of £20, £30 or £40 (as applicable). 

3. No VAT will be charged on your donation. 

Who can donate?

4. You must be aged 16 or over to send a text donation. 

5. Please note that you can donate using this SMS service from a UK mobile only. You cannot donate using this service from a Channel Islands, Isle of Man or other non-UK mobile. 

6. If you donate using this service from a UK mobile when you are outside England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you may incur additional network charges levied and retained by your network operator. 

7. You must obtain permission from the bill payer before sending a text message. 


8. There is a daily limit (12.00 am to 11:59 pm) of £40 on text donations to each short code for the same donation amount from the same mobile number, up to a monthly limit of £240 per month per mobile number. 

For example, in one day you can donate up to: 

• eight times using the keywords FIVE and or SPRINT5; 

• four times using the keywords TEN and or SPRINT 10; 

• two times using keyword TWENTY; 

• once using keyword THIRTY; and 

• once using keyword FORTY. 

Further text donations will not be accepted if you exceed this daily limit (so you will not be donating these additional amounts to Stand Up To Cancer), but you may still incur your standard network message charge. If you would like to contribute more to the Stand Up To Cancer campaign you can donate online HERE.

Please note that donations in connection with any ‘Text to Win’ Stand Up To Cancer Prize Draws are calculated separately for the purposes of the daily limit but would still count towards the monthly limit. 

You may be able to set your own mobile bill limits directly with your mobile provider. For information on mobile bill limits generally, see Ofcom guidance HERE or check with your provider.

Incorrect keywords and shortcodes

9. If you enter the keyword incorrectly, your donation to the Stand Up To Cancer campaign may not be successful. In these circumstances you will receive either (a) an error message, in which case you will not make a donation, but you may still be charged your standard network message charge, or (b) a confirmation message that your donation has been successful, in which case you will be charged the relevant donation amount plus your standard network message charge as set out above. 

10. If you send your text message to an incorrect shortcode, or you otherwise fail to correctly follow the instructions in these Terms and Conditions, you will not make a donation to the Stand Up To Cancer campaign but you may still be charged your standard network message charge. 

Gift Aid

11. If you are a UK taxpayer, your donation may be eligible for Gift Aid. This means we can claim an additional 25p in Gift Aid from the Government for every £1 you donate. We may contact you by text on the mobile number you used to give you the opportunity to add Gift Aid to your donation. If you are sent a link to a page where you can submit your details then, as with any mobile browsing, you may incur charges from your network provider. If you are asked to text those details, then a standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates) will be incurred. You can access the Gift Aid form HERE.

How to contact us - queries, complaints, refunds

12. If you would like to discuss your mobile payment, including complaints or refunds, please contact us: 

  • by calling 0300 123 1022 (Monday to Friday from 8am - 6pm). Call charges apply; or 

  • by emailing our Supporter Satisfaction and Quality Manager at supporter.services@cancer.org.uk   

13. If your enquiry/complaint is made by email, we will do our best to acknowledge it within 5 working days beginning on the day on which we receive it.  

We will keep you informed about the status and progress of your enquiry or complaint and provide you with the outcome without undue delay. We will also keep a record of all complaints made to us in line with the regulatory requirements.  

If you are not happy with the handling or resolution of the enquiry or the complaint, you are entitled to take the enquiry of complaint to OFCOM by contacting them at OFCOM on 0300 123 3333 (calls to 03 numbers should cost no more than geographic 01 or 02 calls and may be part of inclusive minutes subject to your provider and your call package). The call centre is open Monday to Friday between 09:30 and 5pm 

See our complaints policy here: Your complaints | Cancer Research UK

14. Please note that we are only able to refund a donation in certain limited circumstances which are specified by charity law. For donations made via your mobile phone bill, examples might include donations taken in error or where the amount is incorrect. Therefore, if you are requesting a refund, we will ask you for information to help us investigate your request and to check whether there is a legal ground to process your refund. We will inform you at appropriate intervals about the status and progress of your request for a refund.  

We will provide you with our decision without undue delay. This will set out the reasons for the decision, the amount of any refund, and when any refund will be paid.  

We will pay the refund to you without undue delay and in any event not more than 14 days beginning on the day on which we provide you with a decision. We will also need your bank details to be able to reimburse you (where applicable). 


15. Cancer Research UK, Fonix Mobile plc, Channel 4 and their sub-contractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure, malfunction, congestion, capacity issues or any other problem with any telephone, telephone network or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text being lost, delayed or not properly received and recorded. 

16. This SMS service may not be supported by all Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO). If a specific MVNO does not support the service, then following an attempt to donate via text message, no donation will be made, nor error message received. 

17. This SMS service is being provided for Cancer Research UK by Fonix Mobile plc, 23 Heddon Street, London, W1B 4BQ 

III. Monthly giving via your mobile phone bill

As of 26th September 2022, we stopped accepting new sign-ups for monthly giving via your mobile phone bill. 

If you already donate to us monthly via your mobile phone bill, then thank you for your ongoing support. These are the terms that apply. 

1. General

  • You must obtain permission from the bill payer and must be 16 years or over to give monthly via your mobile phone bill. 

  • The standard network charge for text messages is at your network provider's rates. 

  • Please note that you can donate from a UK mobile only. You cannot donate using this service from a Channel Islands, Isle of Man or other non-UK mobile. If you donate using this service from a UK mobile outside England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you may incur additional network charges from your network provider. 

  • This Charity Donation Service, is being provided for Cancer Research UK by Open Mobile Global Limited, Holborn Studios, 49-50 Eagle Wharf Road, London, N1 7ED. 

  • Cancer Research UK, Open Mobile Global Limited, Channel 4 and their sub-contractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure, malfunction, congestion, capacity issues or any other problem with any telephone, telephone network or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text being lost, delayed or not properly received and recorded.

2. How monthly giving works

  • You will have started your regular monthly donation by providing us with your mobile number for these purposes or by sending a specified word to 70002 (to set up a monthly gift of £3) or 70088 (to set up a monthly gift of £5). You will then have received a message asking you to confirm your monthly donation by replying YES which activates your monthly gift. Your reply message will have incurred a standard rate message cost from your network provider. 

  • Once you activated your monthly donation your first donation of £3 or £5 will have been taken immediately. 

  • Each month, the day before your monthly donation is due, you will get a free text as a reminder. 

  • This free text will also remind you that you can choose to skip a month by replying SKIP to that text message within 24 hours. If you're happy to give then you don't need to do anything, and you'll be charged as usual. However, if you choose to skip a month, we won't take the donation that month - you will just incur one standard network text message charge for sending your reply. 

  • In each month that we take a donation, you will receive a free text receipt message. 

  • Cancer Research UK receives 100% of each monthly donation in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. No VAT will be charged on your donation. 

  • If you have any queries about giving monthly by text message or wish to make a complaint or request a refund, please email the Operations Team via mobilise@cancer.org.uk (monitored between 9 am and 5pm on weekdays, except Bank holidays). You can view our Complaints Policy here.

3. How to stop your monthly donation

If you want to stop giving your monthly donation then you can: 

  • text STOP at any time to 70002 to cancel your £3 donation 

  • text STOP at any time to 70088 to cancel your £5 donation 

A STOP message will incur a standard rate message cost from your network provider. 

We will remind you of the option to stop your donation each month in your receipt message. 

Alternatively, you can email mobilise@cancer.org.uk to inform us of your instruction.

4. Refunds

For how to contact us regarding queries, complaints and/or refunds see paragraph 12 of Section II.  

IV. Telephone donation terms and conditions

1. You can make a donation by phone by calling 0300 123 1022. 100% of your donations go to Cancer Research UK in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. Calls to this number from the UK will cost no more than a national rate call to a 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in your landline or mobile call plan. Please check with your network operator for more details. You may be able to call from some countries outside the UK but we cannot guarantee this and the charges will be determined by the network operator you are calling from. 

2. The lines are open 24 hours a day. Calls will be answered by a secure automated system which will process your transaction. This automated system is being provided by Upward Communications Limited. 

3. You can donate using your debit or credit card. Please note we do not accept American Express or Diners Club cards on this number. 

4. You must be 16 or over to donate. 

5. There is no limit on the amount of times you can make a donation. Your donation must be in full pound denominations. There is a minimum donation of £1 and a maximum donation of £10,000 on the automated system. 

6. Cancer Research UK and its subcontractors will use your personal data to administer donations made (including without limitation for the purposes of Gift Aid) 

7. Cancer Research UK, Upward Communications Limited, British Telecom PLC, Channel 4 and their sub-contractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies (“Parties”) cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure, malfunction, congestion, capacity issues or any other problem with any telephone, telephone network or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any data being lost or not properly received and recorded. This service may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond the control of the Parties. 

5. Fundraising

I. Fundraising packs and giving pages

If you are fundraising for the Stand Up to Cancer campaign you can sign-up for a fundraising pack and an online fundraising page (a ‘Giving Page’) HERE. By signing-up you are agreeing to the CRUK Giving Pages Terms and Conditions HERE.

II. Fundraising challenges

Cancer Research UK may promote Fundraising Challenges ("Challenges”) for the Stand Up To Cancer campaign. 

These Challenges are not events organised by Cancer Research UK. They are designed for supporters to complete in their own time and in their own way and are subject to the Cancer Research UK Fundraising Challenge Rules (the "Rules") HERE. By signing up to take part in a Challenge you agree to comply with the Rules.

Important information about the Challenges, including sign-up instructions and any age or other entry restrictions which apply, can be found at www.standuptocancer.org.uk as well as www.cancerresearchuk.org/get-involved/find-an-event.

Challenges are open to UK residents only.

We are currently promoting these challenges for the Stand Up To Cancer campaign:

All monies raised in connection with these Challenges are held on trust for Cancer Research UK in support of the Stand Up To Cancer Campaign.

6. Sprintathon

Sprintathons are organised by independent event organisers (see list below) in aid of Stand Up To Cancer. All event organisers are encouraged to ensure that safety and risk management are a top priority at all times. Cancer Research UK does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury caused as a result of taking part in the event. The Direct Line Group Sprintathon is organised by Direct Line Insurance Group PLC The Campaign Sprintathon is organised by the Haymarket Media Group Ltd 

7. Contact us

If you wish to contact us about the Stand Up to Cancer campaign for any reason, or have any enquiries or complaints about this website then please address them to: Stand Up To Cancer PO Box 1561 Oxford OX4 9GZ 

Email: info@standuptocancer.org.uk Telephone: 0300 123 9024