Joel Dommett standing up.

Standing Up To Cancer Downloads

Once you've signed up and received your fundraising guide, check out these extra downloadable materials to make Standing Up even more lucrative.

Props for your prep

Add this email signature to the bottom of all of your emails and share this 'I'm Standing Up To Cancer' badge on your social channels to tell your friends, family and colleagues that you're Standing Up to raise life-saving cash. Don't forget to add a link to your online Giving Page!

Props for the day

Swap your email signature to let everyone know you're Standing Up today! Print this warning sign out and place it anywhere you could perch throughout the day to remind yourself to keep on your feet. Download these virtual backgrounds to place behind you for any video calls you have today as a conversation starter and sponsorship prompt – it should be as easy as hitting 'download now', going to settings on your video call screen and selecting this image as your virtual background – and voila!